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Worship Information

Weekly Calendar


9:30 am

Sunday Services and Online Worship

at FPPC Campus. Online worship is offered every week. Click Here to view.


6:30 pm

Virtual Bible Study on Zoom. Reach out to Pastor Kim at for the link. 


1:30 pm

In-Person Bible Study

FPPC Campus Conference Room

First Mondays


1:30 pm

Women’s Circle in the Conference Room 

Currently studying Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts.

Second Sundays


Brunch with the Bible immediately after worship - free brunch and intergenerational lesson or mission project for all ages.

Second Mondays

11:30 am

Lunch Bunch. Location varies every month. A time of fellowship for any who can join us.


11:00 am

Chair Yoga in the hospitality room led by Betty Marr, a certified yoga instructor and church member.


8:30 am

Handbell Choir rehearsal

Note: In-Person and Virtual Bible Study have suspended for the season and will resume the second week of January. 


This Sunday's Worship Bulletin

Virtual Bible Study on Nooma

The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the Greek word πνευμα (pneuma), meaning "wind or spirit". This video and discussion series is both encouraging and challenging! 

Bible Study meets on Tuesday evening at 6:30 on Zoom and Thursday in person in the conference room at 1:30 p.m. Each lesson stands alone, attend when you can! Contact Pastor Kim ( to be included in the weekly update with the Zoom link.


First Thursday

6:00 pm

Second Monday

6:30 pm

Second Tuesday

6:00 pm

Second Wednesday

6:00 pm


Music and Worship

Building and Grounds


Third Sunday

10:45 am

Third Thursday

6:30 pm

Every Tuesday

4:00 pm



Community Conversations

Forest Park Presbyterian Church
2300 S. Sunny Slope Road
New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151-3068

Phone: (262) 786-5850 (Secretary)

A congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 8 am - 12 pm
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Worship Sunday 9:30 am
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